
A big day for us here today at CH HQ – It’s our 5th Birthday.


Plenty of businesses fall before the two-year mark and plenty more don’t make it to five.  We, like any business, have had our ups and downs, have made plenty of mistakes but have got plenty right too.  Our best decisions have all revolved around the people we have employed.  Our staff, past and present, are bright, motivated, gifted and lovely people.  They are the cornerstone of who we are, what we believe in  and what we aspire to become.  Creating CH has shaped the careers and personal lives of many people – our staff have had babies, bought their first homes, taken holidays, undertaken further education and pursued opportunities in other countries.  Of this and much more we are proud.


Our challenge?  Improve on what has gone before and make the next five years better than the first.

Our thanks go out to our patients, our staff, their families, our families and our clients – without any one of these we wouldn’t be here today.


So, whilst it’s Happy 5th Birthday Construct Health it’s also Happy 5th Birthday to all of you too.


Many thanks